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WP1 identifies features of cultural access experienced as exclusionary by people experiencing different types of disability. Read more about WP1.

13. Ferri, D., & Leahy, A. (2025). Dismantling Barriers and Advancing the Right of Persons with Disabilities to Participate in Cultural Life: A Socio-Legal Analysis (1st ed.). Routledge.

12. Urzel Francil, L. (2025). Leveraging EU non-discrimination law to make the cultural and creative sectors more inclusive of professionals with disabilities: socio-legal perspectives. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 1-19.

11. Ferri, D. (2024). Advancing an Embodied Understanding of Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities.  Journal of Human Rights Practice, XX, 1-18.

10. Urzel Francil, L., Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2024). Human rights approach to accessibility for visitors with disabilities in museums: Reflections from the DANCING Project. In G. Dore & M. Arisi (Eds.), Open Up Museums! Prospects and Challenges of Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion, 53–76. Ledizioni.

9. Leahy, A. (2024). An ambivalent approach to disability in older age: Evidence from reporting by states parties under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Ageing and Society, 1–22.

8. Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2024). Cultural policies that facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities in the arts: Findings from a qualitative multi-national study. Disabilities, 4(3), 539–555.

7. Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2024). Rethinking and advancing a ‘bottom-up’ approach to cultural participation of persons with disabilities as key to realising inclusive equality. International Journal of Law in Context, 20(2), 267–285.

6. Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2023). Cultivating cultural capital and transforming cultural fields: A study with arts and disability organisations in Europe. The Sociological Review, 1–19.

5. Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2023). Barriers to cultural participation by people with disabilities in Europe: A study across 28 countries. Disability and Society, 2465–2487.

4. Ferri, D., & Leahy, A. (2023). The right of people with disabilities to participate in cultural life: Is Cinderella going to the ball? In S. Robinson & K. R. Fisher (Eds.), Research Handbook on Disability Policy. (pp. 102-117). Edward Elgar.
Available at

3. Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2022). The right to participate in cultural life of persons with disabilities in Europe: Where is the paradigm shift? Alter, 16(4), 5–29.
Available at

2. Ferri, D., Leahy, A., Šubic, N., & Urzel, L. (2022). Implementing the right of people with disabilities to participate in cultural life across five European countries: Narratives and counter-narratives. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 859–878.

1. Leahy, A., & Ferri, D. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to cultural participation by people with disabilities: A narrative literature review. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 24(1), 68–81.

WP2 explores the intersection between cultural rights of people with disabilities and cultural diversity in EU law. Read more about WP2.

11. Ferri, D., Tekuchova, I., & Krolla, E. (2024). Between disability and culture: The search for a legal taxonomy of sign languages in the European Union. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 73(3), 669–706.

10. Ferri, D. (2024). The role of disability studies in the advancement of EU law scholarship. In R. Deplano, G. Gentile, L. Lonardo, & T. Nowak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Research Methods in EU law: A Handbook (pp. 39–58). Edward Elgar.
Available at

9. Ferri, D. (2023). Advancing disability rights in the EU: A blueprint in the social agenda of the Spanish presidency. Anales de Derecho, 40(2), 85–107.

8. Ferri, D., & Šubic, N. (2023). The European Union: Federal trends in disability rights. In D. Ferri, F. Palermo, & G. Martinico (Eds.), Federalism and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (pp. 23–42). Hart Publishing.
Available at

7. Ferri, D. (2023). The role of the European Union in ensuring accessibility of cultural goods and services: All about that… internal market? European Law Review, 48(3), 257–280.

6. Ferri, D. (2023). The role of soft law in advancing the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU: A ‘hybridity’ approach to EU disability law. European Law Journal, 28(4-6), 134–153.

5. Tudisco, V. (2022). Accessibility of audiovisual media services for persons with disabilities in the European Union: Lights and shadows of the audiovisual media services directive. STALS Research Paper, 6/2022.
Available at

4. Ferri, D., & Urzel, L. (2022). The Employment Equality Directive and access to justice for persons with disabilities: Some reflections in light of Tartu Vangla and Komisia za Zashtita ot Diskriminatsia. In P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak, & G. Oberleitner (Eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022 (pp. 75–104). Intersentia.

3. Šubic, N., & Ferri, D. (2022). Characterizing access to culture for people with disabilities in EU cultural policy: European identity, market integration, and social inclusion. DPCE Online, 52(2).
Available at

2. Šubic, N., & Ferri, D. (2022). National disability strategies as rights-based cultural policy tools. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 467–483.

1. Šubic, N. (2022). Challenging the use of EU funds: Locus standi as a roadblock for disability organisations: ECJ Order of 15 April 2021, Case C-622/20 P, Validity and Center for Independent Living v Commission. European Constitutional Law Review, 18(1), 59–81.

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