Cartoon: DANCING Workshop with the Advisory Board
On this page, you will find the cartoon ‘DANCING Workshop with the Advisory Board’. You will find a text description of the cartoon below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.

Cartoon: DANCING Workshop with the Advisory Board – Text Description
The cartoon is an A4 size, with a title, followed by four half-width images and finishing with a full-width image. The colours used are the project brand colours – different blues and greys with accents of green and purple.
The title is followed by cartoon images of the faces of the team members with their names underneath: Tiarnán, Ann, Léa, Delia, Hilary, Iryna and Eva.
The cartoon features the DANCING team members, the following members of the Advisory Board: Mark Priestley, Sarah Whatley, Bruno De Witte, Anna Lawson (online) and also Cora True-Frost.
In the first frame, Delia, Iryna and Eva are at the platform of the Maynooth train station. The introductory text reads ‘Some of the DANCING members on their way to the workshop.’. Eva says “Good morning! It’s great that we can meet with the DANCING Advisory Board.” Delia replies, “Indeed, their expertise and advice will be helpful for the final phase of DANCING.” Iryna adds, “I am looking forward to their feedback on my PhD research.”
In the second frame, the team are at the National University of Ireland in Dublin. Anna Lawson features online on screen. Hilary says, “Welcome all! We are nearly ready to begin, and I am connecting with Professor Lawson online.” Delia responds, “Fantastic! I am delighted that she joins us online and that Professor Cora True-Frost from the USA is with us too.”
In the third frame, the introductory text reads ‘The workshop commences…’. Everyone is sitting in roundtable format. Some have coffees/ teas in front of them. There is a cover slide of Delia’s presentation on the screen in the background. Delia announces, “So, after this brief summary of our achievements and the challenges we faced so far, I now hand over to our PhD researchers.” Léa responds by saying, “Thank you, Delia! My research focuses on the ‘disability dimension’ of culture in the EU.” And Iryna follows by adding “…and my research focuses on the global reach of EU disability law.”
In the fourth frame, Delia says, “Thanks for your valuable feedback!”. Mark replies, “…now that your data collection is completed, you can focus on your publications!” Sarah adds “… it might also be important to take the time to reflect on the research process!”
In the last, full-width frame, the introductory text reads ‘after the workshop, the DANCING team take a photo with their guests’. Hilary takes photo of the Team and Advisory Board. The image shows everyone except Anna Lawson (who was online). Hilary says, “ Wonderful! We captured this moment of the project before we move on to the final phase.” Delia concludes, “Thank you so much everyone!”
Underneath the infographic is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).