Cartoon: DANCING’s Latest Milestones
On this page, you will find the cartoon ‘DANCING’s Latest Milestones’. You will find a text description of the cartoon below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.
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Cartoon: DANCING’s Latest Milestones – Text Description
The cartoon is A4-sized, with a title, followed by one full-width frame and four half-width frames. The colours used are the project brand colours – different blues and greys with accents of green and purple.
The title is followed by cartoon images of the faces of the team members with their names underneath: Alessia, Eva, Léa, Delia, Hilary, Iryna, Elodie and Lazar.
The first frame is full-width and is set in a meeting room at Maynooth University. The textbox reads, ‘After the Christmas break, the DANCING team discusses recent milestones and next steps.’ We can see the following people: Delia, Hilary, Iryna, Léa, Eva, Alessia and Elodie. Delia speaks to the whole team. “Now that we are entering into 2025, let’s take stock of what we are working on!” Eva responds, “We are focusing a lot on dissemination…” Alessia continues, “…we have a new video coming out, on the collaboration between DANCING, Mart and iNEST, and we are also working on an interactive map”. Iryna says, “We also have a new infographic, about Delia’s new article on accessibility published in the Journal of Human Rights Practice!” Elodie adds, “I am also preparing three different reports for Work Package 4”.
The second frame is set in the open-plan office at Maynooth University. The textbox reads, ‘In January 2025, a new member joins the team’. Two people feature in the picture. Delia says, “Welcome to the team, Lazar! You will be our new Research Assistant!” Lazar responds, “Thank you! I am thrilled to join DANCING!”
The third frame is set in the same office space. Léa is sitting at her desk and looking at her computer. Hilary is looking over her shoulder. The text box reads, ‘Shortly after, the team receives good news’. Léa exclaims, “I have just been contacted by the International Journal of Cultural Policy! They have accepted my article!” Hilary replies, “This is brilliant, congratulations!”
The fourth frame is set in Delia’s office. The textbox reads, ‘In February, Delia and Ann’s book is released.’ Delia is on her own, talking to former DANCING researcher, Dr. Ann Leahy on the phone. She says, “Hello Ann! Our book has just been published! It is available open access!”
The fifth and final frame is set in the open-plan office again at the university. The textbox reads, ‘Delia will present a paper about the arts-based research of the project at the SLSA conference in Liverpool’. Hilary and Delia are talking together. Hilary says, “It is great to have DANCING research presented at another prominent conference!”. Delia adds, “Indeed, the SLSA is the major conference in the field of socio-legal studies!”
Underneath the cartoon is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).