Cartoon: Our First Year
On this page, you will find the cartoon ‘Our First Year’. You will find a text description of the cartoon below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.
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Cartoon: Our First Year – Text Description
The cartoon is an A4 size, with a title, followed by four half-width images, and a full-width image at the bottom. The colours used are the project brand colours: different blues and greys with accents of yellow and red.
The title ‘Our First Year’ is followed by cartoon images of the faces of the team members with their names underneath: Ann, Léa, Delia, Hilary and Neža.
The first half-width image shows Delia and Ann talking together at the office. Delia says, “We have been working on project DANCING for one year now. What have we done so far?” Ann replies, “We have analysed EU member States’ reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, national disability strategies and cultural policy plans.” Delia responds, “That was a very important stepping-stone… and we have written an article about it and a chapter for a book!”
The second half-width image shows Neža and Hilary talking, in the same office. Neža says, “We have also made four submissions to national consultation processes in Ireland encouraging policymakers to protect and promote the right to culture of persons with disabilities!” Hilary adds, “We have a project Twitter account, a website and some cool graphics to help people understand about the project.”
The third half-width image shows Delia, Léa and Ann talking in the office. Delia says, “The website is indeed quite cool, and we have also worked a lot on its accessibility!” Léa adds, “We have written blog posts about disability rights and Sign languages.” Ann says, “We have started a range of interviews with Disabled People’s Organisations to see what barriers and facilitators persons with disabilities face when participating in culture.”
The fourth half-width image shows Delia, Léa and Neža talking. Delia says, “We have done a lot!” Léa adds, “Especially considering we had not even met during that first year, because of the pandemic!” Neža asks, “…Apart from having lunch together in person… what is coming up in our second year?”
The last image is full page width with the whole team standing together at the office. Ann says, “We want to hear from many more people in the coming years!” Neža says, “Our focus will be on EU law and on the implementation of the new Strategy 2021-2030.” Hilary says, “We also plan to do more dissemination.” Léa says, “When it comes to participating in culture, people with disabilities still face several barriers…” and Delia concludes, “…with our project we want to understand how those barriers can be dismantled!”
Underneath the infographic is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).