Cartoon: The Premiere of ‘Lived Fiction’ by Stopgap Dance Company
On this page, you will find the cartoon ‘The Premiere of ‘Lived Fiction’ by Stopgap Dance Company’. You will find a text description of the cartoon below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.
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Cartoon: The Premiere of ‘Lived Fiction’ by Stopgap Dance Company – Text Description
The cartoon is an A4 size, with a title, followed by four half-width images and finishing with a full-width image. The colours used are the project brand colours – different blues and greys with accents of green and purple.
The title is followed by cartoon images of the faces of the team members with their names underneath: Tiarnán, Ann, Léa, Delia, Hilary, Iryna and Eva.
The first box shows the team at the university and reads ‘The DANCING team prepare the programmes.’ “The programmes and visual stories of ‘Lived Fiction’ look great!” says Léa. Iryna adds “…and we have braille copies too!” Eva says, “Our accessibility designer Norbert also created these postcards to show how ‘Lived Fiction’ features in the project!”
The next box shows ‘the team are on their way to Dublin’ by car, leaving the university. Delia says, “We are on route to Dublin, do we have everything?” Eva responds “Yes, we have prepared all materials and are good to go.” Hilary adds ”…we have also informed everyone of the late venue change.”
The scene of the third box is ‘at the Lir Academy Theatre in Dublin.’ Delia says, “This venue looks great, and it is fully accessible for the dancers and audience!” Hilary agrees “We are all set up.” and Tiarnán adds “…and the filming crew just arrived!”
The fourth box introductory text reads ‘Stopgap Dance Company prepare for the performance, while Delia speaks to Lucy, Co-artistic director of Stopgap.’ Delia asks, “Lucy, how did you approach the creative process?” Lucy replies, “We tried to embed accessibility as an integral and artistic part rather than an afterthought.”
The final full-width box shows the performance on stage with six dancers, two of whom are using wheelchairs. You can see live captions projected onto a screen behind the stage. They read ‘Lily: With a shiver they pause. Breathing as one, they turn and sway like the tendrils of a sea anemone.’
Underneath the infographic is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).