Cartoon: Our Conference in Italy
On this page, you will find the cartoon ‘Our Conference in Italy’. You will find a text description of the cartoon below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.
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Cartoon: Our Conference in Italy – Text Description
The cartoon is an A4 size, with a title, followed by four half-width images, and a full-width image at the bottom. The colours used are the project brand colours – different blues and greys with accents of yellow and purple.
The title ‘Our Conference in Italy’ is followed by cartoon images of the faces of the team members with their names underneath: Ann, Léa, Delia, Hilary, Iryna and Eva.
The first image has a context box, ‘The team members prepare themselves for the two-day conference in Italy.’ Iryna says, “So what will you talk about in the panel?” Léa replies, “I will focus on the CRPD as a main legal tool” and Ann says, “And I will zoom in on barriers and facilitators to accessing culture.”
The next image shows the team at the airport. Hilary says, “Do you all have your passports?” and Eva replies, “Off to Italy, then!”
The third image shows the team standing outside a modern museum building. The context box reads ‘The conference will take place in Trento’s science museum (MuSe) and the Museum for Modern Art in Rovereto (MART)’. Delia says, “Welcome, all, glad to have my whole team with me!” Iryna says, “It’s exciting to have a conference in two museums.” Ann says, “This is where our research can make a difference.”
The fourth image shows some members of the team at a top table at the conference, with a sign language interpreter to the side. Léa says, “It’s great to have sign language interpretation today.” Delia says, “Indeed, it makes our panel more accessible!”
The final image shows the team and two other people standing in the foyer of the museum. The title reads, ‘MART’s Ornella Dossi and her team were of great help keeping things on track.’ Delia says, “Thank you to Ornella and MART for the great facilitation today!” Ornella replies, “It was a pleasure, and everything went fine today.” Hilary says, “Perhaps we can even collaborate in the future.” Eva adds, “We are working on a comic to remember this conference…” and Norbert Croonenberg, the accessibility designer, says, “…and will develop other accessible formats to communicate your research!”
Underneath the infographic is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).