Event: DANCING Academic Conversation with Dr. Giulia Priora
22nd March 2024
Venue: Blended Event
Academic Conversation

For our fourth DANCING Academic Conversation we welcomed Dr. Giulia Priora from NOVA School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal) to present and discuss her research on ‘Distributive Rationales in EU Copyright Law’ which underpins her forthcoming monograph on the topic.
Giulia Priora is Assistant Professor at NOVA School of Law and Director of the NOVA IPSI Knowledge Centre on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Innovation. She teaches intellectual property law (foundational, advanced and specializing courses), legal research methodologies, and EU digital policies. She is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Alicante (Spain) and at the Institute of Legal and Social Sciences of Praia (Cape Verde). Her main research interest lies in Intellectual Property (IP) and sustainability, international, EU and comparative copyright and design law, patent and trademark law in green industries, and distributive IP legal reasoning.
After her thought-provoking and insightful talk reflecting on the evolution of copyright law in Europe, Dr. Giulia Priora engaged in a lively discussion with attendees. Particular emphasis was given to the underlying functions and objectives pursued by the EU legislator in the realm of copyright law with a focus on the EU competences, and the balance achieved between competing rights and interests of various stakeholders. Whether and to what extent distribution, and fairness, can be detected in EU legislation, CJEU case law and legal doctrine are at the heart of Dr. Priora’s research.
This edition of the DANCING Academic Conversation series took place in blended format, and we were delighted to welcome many attendees in person for this seminar.

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