Event: World Premiere of ‘Lived Fiction’
11th April 2024
Venue: Lir Academy Theatre, Dublin
Arts-based Research

Stopgap Dance Company premiered ‘Lived Fiction’ on 11th April at the Lir Academy Theatre in Dublin. Stopgap are an innovative and inclusive dance company based in the UK and their newest piece ‘Lived Fiction’ was commissioned by and developed as part of project DANCING.
The premiere of ‘Lived Fiction’ signifies a milestone for DANCING, marking the culmination of arts-based research under Work Package 1 which has explored existing barriers and facilitators to cultural participation of persons with disabilities across the European Union (EU) and the UK.
Dialogue between DANCING and Stopgap has shaped how ‘Lived Fiction’ attempts to exemplify cultural practice that embraces accessibility as integral. The process of developing ‘Lived Fiction’ has in turn fed into the ongoing work of project DANCING, going beyond rational cognitive ways of knowing to generate deep insight within the project’s findings about what cultural diversity really means.
The ‘Lived Fiction’ premiere included a lively and engaged post-show Q&A with the full cast of ‘Lived Fiction’ and choreographer Lucy Bennett as well as Professor Delia Ferri who discussed the unique research collaboration, the creative process and how the dancers experienced the creation and performance of their most recent piece. The Q&A and following reception offered ample opportunity for artists, researchers and audience members to unpack how the performance connects with the DANCING project’s wider purpose of protecting and promoting cultural participation of persons with disabilities and furthering cultural diversity through EU law.
Event Programme
Download PDF Version of ‘Lived Fiction’ Premiere Event Programme
Visual Story Version of ‘Lived Fiction’ (written by Stopgap Dance Company)
Download PDF Visual Story of ‘Lived Fiction’ Premiere Event Programme

Download Accessible Word Version of ‘Lived Fiction’ Premiere Event Programme
A braille version of the programme and the visual story were also available at the event.