Conference Contributions and Presentations
On this page, you will find a list of the presentations of Prof. Delia Ferri and members of the DANCING team at conferences, seminars, and workshops. These presentations are listed in reverse chronological order.
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72. L. Urzel Francil presented ‘Addressing the Challenges faced by Persons with Disabilities in the Cultural and Creative Sectors: The EU as a Key Actor?’ at the panel ‘The Role of the EU in Advancing Disability Rights: Internal and External Dimensions’ at the Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) Annual Conference hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, 16th November 2024.
71. I. Tekuchova presented ‘The Global Reach of EU Disability Law: The EU as an Actor in Advancing Disability Rights in Eastern Partnership Countries’ at the panel ‘The Role of the EU in Advancing Disability Rights: Internal and External Dimensions’ at the Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) Annual Conference hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, 16th November 2024.
70. E. Krolla presented ‘The European Commission as Driving Force in Shaping EU Disability Law’ at the panel ‘The Role of the EU in Advancing Disability Rights: Internal and External Dimensions’ at the Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) Annual Conference hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, 16th November 2024.
69. D. Ferri chaired the panel ‘The Role of the EU in Advancing Disability Rights: Internal and External Dimensions’ at the Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) Annual Conference hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, 16th November 2024.
68. D. Ferri presented ‘The Transformative Power of EU Disability Law’ at the III Conferencia Anual de la Cátedra Jean Monnet on the Transformative Power of Law of the European Union hosted by the Faculty of Law, University of Murcia, Spain, 28th October 2024.
67. D. Ferri presented findings of DANCING in the panel on international and regional perspectives at the NDA 2024 Annual Conference ‘Promoting the Participation of Disabled People in Cultural Life, Recreation, Leisure and Sport in Ireland – UNCRPD Article 30’, Dublin, Ireland, 24th October 2024.
66. D. Ferri presented ‘L’accessibilità della cultura come diritto umano’ at the seminar ‘Per una cultura accessibile e inclusiva’ hosted by Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto (MART), Italy, 12th October 2024.
65. D. Ferri presented ‘Scrivere e gestire un progetto europeo ERC. Presentazione del progetto ERC ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through European Union Law: Exploring New Paths’’ at the seminar hosted by Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy, 8th October 2024.
64. D. Ferri presented ‘L’attuazione della Convenzione ONU per i diritti delle persone con disabilità’ at the seminar hosted by Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy, 7th October 2024.
63. D. Ferri presented ‘Taking Stock of the EU Marrakesh Directive: Advancing Disability Rights and Enhancing Cultural Diversity in One Go?’ at the Panel ‘Copyright and culture: access, heritage, diversity, education’ at the 19th Annual Conference of the European Policy for Intellectual Property Association (EPIP) hosted by Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy, 12th September 2024.
62. I. Tekuchova presented ‘Global Reach of EU Disability Law in EaP: A Ukrainian Lens’ at the UACES Annual Conference 2024 hosted by University of Trento, Italy, 3rd September 2024.
61. L. Urzel Francil presented ‘Leveraging on EU Law to Realize the Right to Participation in Cultural Life of Persons with Disabilities’ at the UACES Annual Conference 2024 hosted by the University of Trento, Italy, 3rd September 2024.
60. E. Krolla presented ‘The Role of the European Commission in Shaping EU Disability Law’ at the UACES Annual Conference 2024 hosted by the University of Trento, Italy, 3rd September 2024.
59. D. Ferri chaired ‘Advancing Disability Rights in the European Union: Socio-legal Perspectives, Federal Trends and Participatory Approaches’ at the UACES Annual Conference 2024 hosted by the University of Trento, Italy, 3rd September 2024.
58. D. Ferri presented ‘Disability Rights in the European Union: Federalising trends’ at the Book Roundtable ‘Federalism and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (edited by Delia Ferri, Francesco Palermo and Giuseppe Martinico), Hart, 2023′ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 10th July 2024.
57. D. Ferri chaired the panel ‘Realizing Inclusive Equality for Persons with Disabilities: Socio-legal Perspectives on Barriers, Digital challenges, and Facilitators of Cultural Participation’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 9th July 2024.
56. L. Urzel Francil presented ‘Leveraging on EU Law to Realize Inclusive Equality in the Cultural and Creative Sectors: Socio-legal Insights’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 9th July 2024.
55. A. Leahy presented ‘Barriers and Facilitators to Cultural Participation by People with Disabilities: A Qualitative Analysis’ at the Panel ‘Realizing Inclusive Equality for Persons with Disabilities: Socio-legal Perspectives on Barriers, Digital challenges, and Facilitators of Cultural Participation’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 9th July 2024.
54. E. Krolla presented ‘The EU as Key Actor in Advancing Disability Rights’ at the panel ‘The Future of Disability Rights: Regional Trends and Intersectional Perspectives’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 8th July 2024.
53. I. Tekuchova presented ‘The Global Reach of EU Disability Law in the Eastern Partnership Countries’ at the Panel ‘The Future of Disability Rights: Regional Trends and Intersectional Perspectives’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 8th July 2024.
52. D. Ferri presented ‘Digital accessibility as Gateway to Equality for Persons with Disabilities’ at the Panel ‘Disability Rights, Digitalisation, and the Role of AI’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 8th July 2024.
51. D. Ferri chaired the panel ‘The Future of Disability Rights: Regional Trends and Intersectional Perspectives’ at the 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence’ hosted by IE University, Madrid, Spain, 8th July 2024.
50. D. Ferri presented ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at a seminar hosted by the NOVA School of Law, Lisbon, Portugal, 16th May 2024.
49. D. Ferri presented ‘DANCING: Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at a seminar hosted by the University of Padova, Italy, 6th May 2024.
48. D. Ferri presented ‘The EU Disability Card: A Step forward in the Protection of Disability Rights’ at the JM Chair TEULP seminar hosted by the University of Murcia, Spain, 25th April 2024.
47. D. Ferri presented ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law (DANCING)’ at a seminar hosted by the University of Murcia, Spain, 25th April 2024.
46. D. Ferri and A. Leahy presented ‘Barriers and Facilitators to Cultural Participation by People with Disabilities: A Socio-legal Analysis’ at the annual conference of The Socio-legal Studies Association, hosted by the University of Portsmouth, UK, 27th March 2024.
45. D. Ferri presented ‘DANCING: Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at a lecture organised by the Department of Legal Studies, hosted by the Central European University (CEU), Vienna, Austria, 13th March 2024.
44. D. Ferri presented ‘Digitalizzazione e Accessibilità: il ruolo del diritto europeo’ at the conference ‘Developing an International Strategy in the Euromediterranean Area on the Goods for an Updated Anthropic Loop’ organised by Department of Jurisprudence, hosted by Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy, 22-23rd February 2024.
43. I. Tekuchova presented ‘The EU as Promoter of Disability Rights in Ukraine’ at the JMCoE seminar series ‘EU Integration and Citizens’ Rights’ ‘The EU as promoter of anti-discrimination rights in its neighbourhood – comparing Northern Ireland and Ukraine’ hosted by IHREC, University College of Cork, Ireland, 6th February 2024.

42. D. Ferri gave an invited keynote speech on ‘Unlocking Access to Culture for Persons with Disabilities through Digital Accessibility’ at the conference ‘Vulnerability, Disability Rights, and Digital Government’ hosted by MindLabs, Tilburg, Netherlands, 30th November 2023.
41. D. Ferri and E. Krolla presented ‘Accessibility of Cultural Goods and Services: A Regulatory Jigsaw’ at the DANCING panel chaired by D. Ferri at the Annual Conference hosted by the Irish Association of Law Teachers, Dublin City University, Ireland, 10-11th November 2023.
40. A. Leahy presented ‘Cultural Participation by People with Disabilities. Barriers and Facilitators: A Qualitative Analysis’ at the DANCING panel chaired by D. Ferri at the Annual Conference hosted by the Irish Association of Law Teachers, Dublin City University, Ireland, 10-11th November 2023.
39. L. Urzel Francil presented ‘The Role of EU Law in Advancing Participation of Cultural Professionals and Artists’ at the DANCING panel chaired by D. Ferri at the Annual Conference hosted by the Irish Association of Law Teachers, Dublin City University, Ireland, 10-11th November 2023.
38. I. Tekuchova presented ‘Global Reach of EU Disability Law in Eastern Partnership Countries Through the Lens of Cultural Participation’ at the DANCING panel chaired by D. Ferri at the Annual Conference hosted by the Irish Association of Law Teachers, Dublin City University, Ireland, 10-11th November 2023.
37. D. Ferri presented ‘L’accessibilità in ambito culturale: una prospettiva europea’ at the conference ‘IV Conferenza Nazionale ANMIC’ hosted by the Associazione Nazionale Mutilati e Invalidi Civili, Rome, Italy, 8-10th November 2023.
36. I. Tekuchova presented ‘Global Reach of EU Disability Law: An Initial Appraisal’ at the conference ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
35. D. Ferri participated in the roundtable discussion ‘Arts-Based Research and Inclusive Dance’ at the ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
34. D. Ferri presented ‘Disability Law as Field of EU Law: Federalising Trends and Hybridity’ at the conference ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
33. D. Ferri gave an opening presentation on ‘The ERC Project DANCING’ at the conference ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
32. D. Ferri and E. Krolla presented ‘Accessibility of Cultural Goods and Services: A Regulatory Jigsaw’ at the conference ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
31. A. Leahy presented ‘Barriers and Facilitators to Cultural Participation: A Qualitative Analysis’ at the conference ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
30. L. Urzel Francil presented ‘The Role of EU Law in Advancing Participation of Cultural Professionals and Artists’ at the conference ‘DANCING Mid-term Academic Conference’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 4th September 2023.
29. D. Ferri presented ‘The EU Disability Card “in the making”’ at the seminar for University Professors and Law Lecturers ‘Current Reflections on EU Anti-Discrimination Law’ hosted by the Academy of European Law, University College Dublin, Ireland, 22nd June 2023.
28. D. Ferri presented ‘DANCING: Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at the workshop ‘Towards Island-wide Creative and Cultural Sustainability’ hosted by the National University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 19th May 2023.
27. D. Ferri presented ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at the 65th PEARLE conference ‘Inclusion & Diversity: a Challenge and an Opportunity for the Performing Arts Sector’ hosted by PEARLE (Performing Arts Employers’ Associations League Europe), Oslo, Norway, Online, 11th May 2023.
26. D. Ferri gave a presentation on ‘DANCING – Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ hosted by the University of Murcia, Spain, 24th April 2023.
25. D. Ferri gave a seminar ‘The Evolution of EU Disability Law’ hosted by the University of Murcia, Spain, 24th April 2023.
24. D. Ferri presented ‘The Transformative Power of EU Disability Law’ at the kick-off meeting of Paths2Include, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, 19th April 2023.
23. L. Urzel Francil presented ‘Accessibility of Cultural Life: An Irish Law Perspective’ at the webinar series ‘‘Why’ and ‘How’ of Accessibility in Cultural Contexts: An Access into Action’ hosted by Arts & Disability Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Online, 18th April 2023.
22. D. Ferri presented ‘My Journey towards the ERC’ at a workshop hosted by the ALL Institute for a Delegation of Portuguese Researchers, ALL Institute, Maynooth University, Ireland, 29th March 2023.
21. D. Ferri presented ‘My Journey towards the ERC’ at a seminar hosted by the Faculty of Arts, Maynooth University, Ireland, 29th March 2023.
20. D. Ferri presented ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at the atelier ‘Dancing on the Edge: Peripheral Practices’ hosted by European Dancehouse Network, Limerick, Ireland, 10th February 2023.
19. D. Ferri presented ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through EU Law’ at the event ‘New Reads’ hosted by Cultural Policy Observatory Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Online, 1st February 2023.

18. D. Ferri presented ‘L’Unione europea e i diritti delle persone con disabilità: armonizzazione e trend federali’ at the conference ‘Europea e Disabilità’ organised by Centro di Documentazione Europea, hosted by Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, 19th December 2022.
17. D. Ferri presented ‘Disabilità e partecipazione culturale’ at the conference ‘Convegno in occasione della Giornata internazionale delle persone con disabilità – Disabilità in Movimento: percorsi di autodeterminazione’ hosted by Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy, 16th December 2022.
16. E. Krolla presented ‘Disability Rights as Human Rights’ at the roundtable ‘Human Rights in Context: Perspective on an Inclusive Society’ hosted by Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy, on 23rd November 2022.
15. D. Ferri presented ‘Audio Description: Legal Perspectives and Creative Practice’ at the seminar ‘Audio Description in Live Theatre: Legal Perspectives and Creative Practice’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 21st November 2022.
14. D. Ferri presented ‘The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Its Impact on EU Disability Law and Policies’ at the guest lecture within the Professional Masters on Social Work course ‘Justice and Human Rights’ hosted by School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, University College Dublin, Ireland, 11th October 2022.
13. D. Ferri presented ‘The Role of Disability Studies in the Advancement of EU Law Scholarship’ at the event ‘Interdisciplinary Research Methods in EU Law: Challenges and Opportunities’ hosted by the Law School, London School of Economics, UK, 9th September 2022.
12. D. Ferri presented ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity in EU Law’ at the colloquium ‘Inclusive Dance: Challenges, Experiences and Tools for Participatory Research’ hosted by the DANCING Project, Maynooth University, Ireland, 23rd August 2022.
11. D. Ferri presented ‘The Role of EU Law in Advancing Accessibility of Culture for Persons with Disabilities’ at the conference ‘Open Up Museums! Prospects and Challenges of Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion’ organised by the DANCING Project, inDICEs Project and ReCreating Europe Project, hosted by Museo delle Scienze, Trento and Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy, 26th May 2022.
10. L. Urzel presented ‘Realising the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities: The CRPD as Main Legal Tool’ at the conference ‘Open Up Museums! Prospects and Challenges of Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion’ organised by the DANCING Project, inDICEs Project and ReCreating Europe Project, hosted by Museo delle Scienze, Trento and Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy, 26th May 2022.
9. A. Leahy presented ‘Barriers, Facilitators and Best Practices in Access to Culture: Views of Organisations of People with Disabilities in Europe’ at the conference ‘Open Up Museums! Prospects and Challenges of Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion’ organised by the DANCING Project, inDICEs Project and ReCreating Europe Project, hosted by Museo delle Scienze, Trento and Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy, 26th May 2022.
8. D. Ferri presented ‘The Impact of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on EU Disability Law and Policies’ at a guest lecture series hosted by Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy, 24th May 2022.
7. L. Urzel presented ‘Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities: EU Perspectives’ at the workshop ‘PhD and Early Career Researchers Workshop’ organised by Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology PG Research Committee in collaboration with UniMoRe Department of Law and Queen’s University Belfast School of Law, Online, 25th March 2022.

6. D. Ferri presented ‘Il Quadro normativo europeo in materia di accessibilità digitale’ at the online seminar series ‘Diritto, nuove tecnologie, inclusione sociale – Una prospettiva interdisciplinare multilivello’ organised by the Department of Political and Social Science, hosted by Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, 22nd October 2021.
5. D. Ferri presented ‘DANCING Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity in EU Law’ at the webinar ‘Researching Disability and Diversity in Culture: Introducing the ERC Project DANCING’ organised by the DANCING Project, hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, Online, 16th March 2021.
4. A. Leahy presented ‘WP1 – Understanding Barriers and Facilitators’ at the webinar ‘Researching Disability and Diversity in Culture: Introducing the ERC Project DANCING’ organised by the DANCING Project, hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, Online, 16th March 2021.
3. N. Šubic presented ‘Cultural Rights and Access to Culture in Disability Strategies’ at the webinar ‘Researching Disability and Diversity in Culture: Introducing the ERC Project DANCING’ organised by the DANCING Project, hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, Online, 16th March 2021.
2. H. Hooks presented ‘Accessibility in DANCING’ at the webinar ‘Researching Disability and Diversity in Culture: Introducing the ERC Project DANCING’ organised by the DANCING Project, hosted by Maynooth University, Ireland, Online, 16th March 2021.
1. D. Ferri gave a seminar ‘Le politiche europee sulla disabilità in tempi di pandemia’ organised by STALS (Sant’Anna Legal Studies), hosted by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Italy, Online, 15th March 2021.