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Cartoon: DANCING Research Dissemination

Cartoon:  DANCING Research Dissemination
Cartoon designed by Norbert Croonenberg Accessibility Design. Ideas and text by Prof. Delia Ferri, Principal Investigator of DANCING.

Cartoon: DANCING Research Dissemination – Text Description

The cartoon is an A4 size, with a title, followed by one full-width frame and four half-width frames. The colours used are the project brand colours – different blues and greys with accents of green and purple.

The title is followed by cartoon images of the faces of the team members with their names underneath: Ann, Léa, Delia, Hilary, Iryna and Eva.

In frame one, the setting is a classroom in Maynooth University. The scene is introduced by text that reads, ‘The DANCING team discuss the upcoming dissemination of their research.’ The six members of the team are present. Delia says, “We are commencing this final year with more dissemination activities.” Hilary follows, “Indeed!” Léa adds, “We will present at the UACES Annual Conference!” Eva says, “…and Delia will speak at the EPIP Annual Conference too.” Iryna continues, “Delia will also participate in a workshop bringing together museum professionals and researchers in Rovereto.” Ann says, “Due to a new appointment, I will leave the DANCING team soon and focus on the remaining research tasks before my departure.”

In frame two, the scene is set at the University of Trento, with Delia, Iryna, Léa and Eva seated at a top table. The textbox reads, ‘At UACES, the team present in a dedicated panel.’ Eva is presenting and says, “…to facilitate adoption of non-discrimination legislation, majority voting in the Council would be helpful.”

In frame three, Delia is presenting, with her slides shown behind her on a screen, and says, “… copyright exceptions in EU law have the potential to enhance cultural diversity and support disability rights.”

In frame four, the setting is a classroom in Maynooth University. Delia is sitting at a top table with Prof. Cora True-Frost and Dr. Shivaun Quinlivan. The textbox reads, ‘At home, the team also organise a workshop on accessible air travel.’ Delia introduces the event by saying, “I am delighted to welcome Professor Cora True-Frost from Syracuse University as keynote and Dr. Shivaun Quinlivan from the University of Galway as discussant.”

Frame five is set at the same event. The four speakers of the event, Cora True-Frost, Shivaun Quinlivan, Deirdre Desmond and Delia Ferri are standing next to the project banner. The textbox reads, ‘After the workshop, the speakers take a photo with Prof. Deirdre Desmond, Co-director of the ALL Institute.’ Delia concludes the event by saying, “Thank you all for joining us!”

Underneath the cartoon is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).

Cartoon: DANCING Research Dissemination – Audio Description

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