Cartoon: Wrapping Up of 2024 and Exciting News for 2025
On this page, you will find the cartoon ‘Wrapping Up of 2024 and Exciting News for 2025’. You will find a text description of the cartoon below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.

Cartoon: Wrapping Up of 2024 and Exciting News for 2025 – Text Description
The cartoon is A4-sized, with a title, followed by four half-width frames and one full-width frame. The colours used are the project brand colours – different blues and greys with accents of green and purple. The title is followed by cartoon images of the team members’ faces with their names underneath: Alessia, Eva, Léa, Delia, Hilary, Iryna and Elodie.
In frame one, the setting is an office at Maynooth University. Three people are in the room: Eva, Delia, and a third person. The scene is introduced by text that reads, ‘The DANCING team welcomes a new member, Alessia.’ Delia says, “We have a new research assistant joining the team! Her name is Alessia”.
Frame two shows Delia with three other colleagues, Ornella Dossi, Maria della Lucia and Giulia Dore at a top table at a conference. There is a slide of the DANCING project showing on the screen behind the table. The introductory text reads, ‘On 12 October Delia presents alongside academic and practitioner colleagues at MART in Rovereto, Italy.’ Giulia Dore says, “The collaboration between DANCING, our project led at the University of Trento and MART is important to effect change and make culture inclusive”.
In frame three, the team is back in the office at Maynooth University seated around a table. Three people are in the room: Delia, Hilary, and a new face. The introductory text reads, ‘In November the DANCING team welcomes another new member, Elodie…’ Delia says, “Welcome Elodie!”. Elodie responds, “I look forward to contributing to the project in this final phase!”
In frame four, four team members are at a different conference venue. Delia, Léa, and Iryna are seated at the top table, watching Eva stand and present in front of a slide. The introductory text continues from the previous frame and reads, ‘and presents most recent findings of the normative work package (WP2) at the IALT conference.’ Eva is pointing at the slide and saying, “This is how disability is addressed in EU constitutional law.”
Frame five is a full-width frame showing all seven members of the team in a meeting room with Christmas decorations at Maynooth University. The introductory texts reads, ‘Before a well-deserved Christmas break, the team considers the latest achievements and the next steps of the project.’ Iryna says, “It has been an intense end of the year, with several dissemination activities!” Lea continues, “And we have published a report on the arts-based research!” Alessia says, “With Delia I have worked on another report on data collection and archiving!” Elodie adds, “We are now organising the final conference…” Delia concludes, “The conference will be an important milestone and with few months to go it will be all hands on deck from January!”
Underneath the cartoon is an acknowledgement to the ERC with the logo of the EU, the ERC, and the following text: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864182).