Infographic: Project Progress
On this page, you will find the infographic ‘Project Progress’. You will find a text description of the infographic below, and an audio description at the bottom of the page.
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Infographic: Project Progress – Text Description
The infographic uses blues, white and turquoise consistent with the previous infographics. The mood of the design is playful and non-intimidating. There is the DANCING project logo in the top left-hand corner. The title ‘Project Progress’ is in the middle at the top, with a smaller tagline ‘This project is about researching disability and diversity in culture’.
The body of the graphic is a timeline showing a wavy line marked with the years one to five from left to right. Along the timeline are text boxes and small line images showing the project activities.
Year one shows the launch of the project website and Twitter, interviews with DPOs (Organisations of People with Disabilities) and doctrinal research. Year two shows interviews with European key informants and the start of the documentary film. Year three shows our first performance. Year four shows the publishing of books and articles, the completion of data analysis and the final performance. Year five shows final conference and the release of the documentary film.
The text concludes with an acknowledgement to the funder: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (grant agreement no. 864182).