Damjan Tatić
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In Memoriam

In January 2024, we learned with deep sadness that Dr. Damjan Tatić, friend of the DANCING project and member of our advisory board, has passed away.
Damjan was a researcher, author, and tireless advocate for the human rights of persons with disabilities. His status as a legal expert in this field was respected both in Serbia and internationally. He was a founder and associate until his death of the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia, and guest lecturer at the Legal Clinic at the Faculty of Law of University of Belgrade and ERA – Academy of European Law in Trier.
His many accomplishments and contributions to research, which have furthered our understanding of human rights law, led to his serving as an expert member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) from 2011 until 2019, where he served two mandates.
Damjan’s rich knowledge, insight and enthusiasm were pivotal in supporting the DANCING project. His unwavering encouragement of our research activities stemmed from his genuine interest – culture was deeply rooted in Damjan’s life as his father was a director of radio dramas and taught at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts at the University of Belgrade – and conviction that persons with disabilities have the right to partake in cultural life on an equal basis with others.
Damjan always closely followed our progress and with his kind words reassured us to keep up the work after each milestone. We hope that our ongoing work to advance the cultural rights of people with disabilities can serve as a fitting tribute to the legacy of his pioneering work and spirit.